Wilderness EMS Upgrade


The Wilderness EMS (WEMS) Upgrade course is designed to prepare licensed prehospital care professionals (EMT and Paramedic) and healthcare professionals (RN, NP, DNP, PA, MD, and DO) to assess, treat, and manage patients, within their scope of practice in wilderness and remote environments. Topics include: prevention and management of environmental illnesses, trip participants with pre-existing conditions and medications, assessment and treatment of trauma patients, pain management and extended patient care. The WEMS will challenge course participants to think outside of the comfort of an ambulance and/or clinic.

This course is an ideal professional upgrade for SAR members, rural ambulance or hospital personnel, ski patrol, EMT certified guides, wildland fire personnel, endurance race and expedition medical providers, military personnel, and other field-based staff. Our hybrid WEMS course format consists of a 10 hours of self-paced, online instructional component, followed by a 38-hour in-person, practical component which takes place over four consecutive days.

The online section is hosted on CANVAS®, a cloud-based classroom and powerful learning management system that allows individual students to work at a their own pace. An instructor team assigned to each course supports participants with navigation of the online material and facilitates interactive elements and skill-based learning. The online material consists of reading assignments, case studies, videos, photos, animations, quizzes, and discussions, culminating in a comprehensive midterm exam. The online section is available to course participants approximately 1 month before the practical section is to begin.

The hybrid format works best for self-motivated individuals with good time management skills that have access to a smartphone, tablet, laptop, or desktop and high-speed internet. This instructional format provides the opportunity for course participants to learn at their own speed, in their own space, at their own schedule.

Participants then apply knowledge and skills learned from their online WEMS training to the 4-day in-person section, which takes place mainly outdoors . This practical section consists of drills, skill stations, scenarios, and discussions with the same instructor team that supports the online section.

Hours: 45 (8 hrs online and 37 hours in-person over 4 consecutive days

Length: 4 days 

Training: WEMS (3 year certification) and WAT (2 year certification)

Prerequisite: Current CPR, State EMT or NREMT, or healthcare professional license

Credits: Three college credits are available through our partnership with Colorado University – Denver. More info…

CE Hours: WEMS Upgrade courses are eligible for up to 40 EMT continuing education hours with the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT) and the Colorado state EMS office. Review WEMS CEU Itemized List  for a breakdown of available hours, and reach out to learn more about EMS continuing education with DMM.  

Overview – Wilderness EMS Upgrade Course Content

  • Urban Vs Wilderness Medicine
  • Wilderness Medicine Guidelines
  • Wilderness Recreation Law & Liability
  • Wilderness Risk Management
  • Patient Assessment
  • Basic Life Support
  • Complex Airway Management
  • Supraglottic Airways
  • Micromedics
  • Multisystems Trauma
  • IV Therapy In The Backcountry
  • Dislocations
  • Pain Management
  • Spine Injury Management
  • Vacuum Spine Board
  • Complex Backcountry Medical Problems
  • Backcountry Medication Management
  • Wilderness Anaphylaxis Training
  • Genitourinary Issues
  • Mental Health Illnesses
  • Complex Environmental Medicine
  • Avalanche Burial Resuscitation
  • Professional Incident Documentation
  • Backcountry Communication Devices
  • Professionally Calling A Rescue
  • Basic vs Expedition First Aid Kits
  • Improvised Litters & Carries
  • Incident Management
  • Leadership & Critical Thinking During An Incident
  • Psychological First Aid

Wilderness EMS Upgrade (WEMS) Course Schedule

Provider: Desert Mountain Medicine Headquarters
Format: Hybrid
Cost: $875
Provider: Desert Mountain Medicine Headquarters
Format: Hybrid
Cost: $875