WFA Instructor Training Course (ITC)
The WFA Instructor Training Course (WFA-ITC) is designed to familiarize qualified candidates with Desert Mountain Medicine’s teaching philosophy, teaching techniques, and class management style. Instructor candidates will also cover the WFA industry standard “Scope of Practice” (SOP) and the DMM course curriculum, developed from the SOP.
After successful completion of the WFA-ITC (30 hours) and shadowing a Lead Instructor during a scheduled 16-hour WFA course, new instructors will be eligible to join the instructor team as an Assistant Instructor.
DMM offers competitive compensation, continuing education, and the opportunity to be part of a team of highly qualified instructors in the field of outdoor education and wilderness medicine. DMM compensates instructors $150-$450 per teaching day; compensation will vary based on instructor status (assistant or lead instructor), feedback, and experience.